The Best Wiki Pages You Didn’t Know About: LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines June 4, 2010

Article contributed by Elizabeth Krumbach

When it comes to wiki pages for LoCo team there is a lot of great information out there but finding it can even be a challenge for seasoned LoCo leaders. This begins a series of articles highlighting some of the “Best Wiki Pages You Didn’t Know About” which seeks to highlight some of these pages and encourage expansion.

The first page we wish to highlight was drawn up by the LoCo Council to help teams better answer the question “So we have a LoCo Team, what do we do now?” when “Do stuff!” is not a good enough answer. That page is the new LoCo Teams Best Practices and Guidelines.

The guide covers tasks that the teams should be doing monthly (team meetings, monthly reports, meetups and events), per cycle (release parties, global jams), and more long term goals which include mentoring programs, recruiting and training new members to contribute further to Ubuntu and encouraging cross-team collaboration.

It also covers an important topic for many teams, maintenance tasks for team resources. IRC channels and mailing lists may look like they maintain themselves, but it’s not actually the case, knowing how to manage these tasks is important for every LoCo team.

But don’t rely upon my word, check out the ever-evolving Best Oractices and Guidelines for yourself!

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